the HIDE-Out
Lighting: The Most Impactful Interior Design Element
To me, upgrading a space is about intentionality, not expense. The value isn't in the cost or price of the upgrade, but in the end effect it has on improving the functionality or aesthetic of a space. Lighting is hands down the single most impactful element that can cost almost nothing but leave a profound impression.
How to Select the Best Outdoor Dining Furniture
As a San Diego interior designer where we're lucky to have good weather for almost year-round outdoor living, we have seen our fair share of outdoor furniture and learned what does and does not work. Here are our top tips for selecting outdoor dining furniture.
Intentionally Breaking the Rules of Interior Design
When you’re first starting out as an interior designer, we all learned about the 60-30-10 rule, which is like a tried-and-tested formula for choosing a color palette for interior spaces. But, when you've been designing spaces for a living, you stop referencing formulas like you might when you're starting out because it becomes second nature to us. We just know when something feels right and when it feels boring or predictable.
Limewash Interior Design Trend
As a San Diego interior designer, we have a lot of clients in Spanish style homes in Rancho Santa Fe, for example, that lend themselves well to the limewash trend because it creates a soft old-world vibe that we love. For clients who want the clean look of white walls but are afraid that it will look too sterile, limewash is a great option because it adds movement and texture, without having to commit to a bold patterned wallpaper or wood wall treatment. Limewash can bring a soft feminine energy to a space and make it instantly feel warm, cozy and lived-in because of it's imperfect patina. I compare it to linen fabric because it has organic imperfections that come from the nature of how it's applied manually by hand. My Carlsbad interior design clients often ask about this look and here’s my two cents.
Everything You Need to Know About Linen Bedding
Linen bedding isn’t for everyone. It’s ideal for people who like a relaxed look, but definitely not for anyone who is averse to wrinkles, because linen is anything but structured or sleek. It is meant to look worn in and not fussy so it lends itself well to the laid-back beachy aesthetic.
How To Select Outdoor Furniture
As a SoCal-based interior designer, I've seen my fair share of outdoor furniture that's been baked, soaked and salted by the elements! Because our clients are unfamiliar with weatherproofing that is required in harsher climates, they expect to leave their outdoor pieces outside to be enjoyed year-round. This means we need to find materials that are low-maintenance and attractive.